Most people understand that termites can ruin a home, but it's hard to really appreciate the damage they can do until you've gone through the hassle of having an infestation in your own property. By the time you notice termites are present, they will usually have done a huge amount of damage. In that case, you'll need to call in a professional termite control service. 

Most of the time, you'll be asked to choose between fumigation and spot treatment. With fumigation, your home is covered in a tent and gas is pumped in to get rid of the termites – you then wait a couple of days for it to clear. With spot treatment, termiticides are applied in certain areas where termites are present. Spot treatment often sounds more attractive since it doesn't take as long and isn't as expensive. However, here are just a few reasons to choose fumigation instead.

Complete Eradication

By far the most obvious benefit of fumigation is also the most compelling: you're more likely to kill all the termites in your home. The issue with spot treatment is that it doesn't tend to penetrate very far, so it's sometimes ineffective when termites are burrowed down deep. In contrast, fumigation methods use a gas that's heavier than air, meaning it sinks down and penetrates wood structures to completely eradicate termites.

Complete Coverage

Even if spot treatment penetrates right down and deals with all the termites in one particular area, it might not get rid of all the termites your house is harbouring. It could be that you think you have one colony in your home but actually, have two or more. If so, you might notice signs of infestation just a few weeks after spot treatment has been completed. Since fumigation covers the entire home, there's nowhere in your property for termites to hide.

An added benefit is that you'll also get rid of other uninvited guests. Perhaps you have cockroaches in your bathroom or bedbugs in your carpet? The gas used during a fumigation will catch those too.

Less Invasive

Yes, fumigation means having to leave your home for a few days. However, it's actually a lot less invasive. For spot treatment, technicians will often need to drill into walls and wood structures to reach the heart of the infestation, so you can be left with ugly holes that need to be filled. The gas used during a fumigation will reach everywhere without causing any damage.
